A multidisciplinary challenge project commissioned by working life

Minunpolkuni polku
Minunpolkuni kompassi
Vipuvoimaa EU:lta 2014 - 2020
Euroopan unioni Euroopan sosiaalirahasto
Minunpolkuni polku
Minunpolkuni kompassi
Vipuvoimaa EU:lta 2014 - 2020
Euroopan unioni Euroopan sosiaalirahasto

A multidisciplinary challenge project commissioned by working life

Teachers from different disciplines work together to design a challenge around a chosen work-related theme (e.g. responsibility, well-being, internationalisation, digitalisation), which students tackle in multidisciplinary teams. Teachers do not come up with the challenges themselves, but ask real companies or organisations for assignments around an issue that challenges the everyday life of the company.


At the discretion of the multidisciplinary team of teachers, workload per student is about 1 working hour; joint planning and contacting workplace assignors requires joint planning time.

Objectives of the activity

Team teaching and promotion of multidisciplinary project learning

Innovating new solutions for a client’s problem around a common theme (e.g. sustainability)

Competence objectives

Students will learn about business co-operation, work life skills and teamwork.

Identify business opportunities and solve client’s problems in a responsible, innovative and sustainable way in co-operation with their network.

Which entrepreneurship skills will be strengthened by the tool?

Identifying opportunities, evaluating ideas, working with others.

Tips for implementation

Motivate students by framing the project as a challenge. Involve workplace sponsors in the initial briefing and in the evaluation of the teams’ project work. Reward the best teams with a diploma in line with the theme, for example at an awards gala.