Insect hotel

Minunpolkuni polku
Minunpolkuni kompassi
Vipuvoimaa EU:lta 2014 - 2020
Euroopan unioni Euroopan sosiaalirahasto
Minunpolkuni polku
Minunpolkuni kompassi
Vipuvoimaa EU:lta 2014 - 2020
Euroopan unioni Euroopan sosiaalirahasto

Insect hotel

Students acquire skills in identifying and defining different target groups. The assignment includes alternative solutions, and student discussion in small groups provides room for different interpretations and deepening of their own understanding.

Students will be able to consider different aspects of segmentation and reflect on how a company’s product or service meets the needs of different customers. 

Learning outcomes 

The student understands the importance of target groups in entrepreneurship and in the success of a company. He/she is able to consider different target groups and their needs.  

In a group discussion, different points of view can be obtained when defining customer target groups. 

What entrepreneurial skills does the tool strengthen?

Identifying opportunities, evaluating ideas, working with others.